Still a new name, Ama Lou takes another step in the right direction with her third track ‘Said It Already’. Following her glitchy world-pop debut ‘TBC’ and soulful balladeering on ‘Not Always’, the London talent’s new release confidently steps into the ring with a crafty combination of all the styles Ama Lou has displayed so far. The vocals veer into ‘90s R&B, the beats are indicative of world music, and the electronics pay homage to grime, which surely lays down the backdrop of her home city. As an 18-year-old artist, it’s fitting that this new song “pays homage to the voice of a younger generation,” which Ama Lou further details, “It's a play on the tension that is created during the sometimes complicated transitional period of old to new, and youngens being forcefully told what to do when the world has changed." From the slow-moving bass and taught trap, you’ll feel a tense undercurrent flowing throughout ‘Said It Already’, one that lets you know the youngens are coming. - HT